Core Team
The research leader Antonia Majaca is based in Berlin. She is a curator and researcher in the fields of Political Theory, Media Theory and Cultural Studies.
Milica Tomic is the chair of the Institute for Contemporary Art in Graz and in her work explores different genres and methods of artistic practice.
Research assistant Lola Pfeiffer has done her Master's degree in Media Studies at the University of Potsdam and works on the intersection of art, technology and science.
Dejan Marković is a visual artist, researcher and coordinator of the project 'The Incomputable’ and 'Curatorial Design' at IZK Institute for Contemporary Art.
Keti Chukhrov is an art theorist and philosopher. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature and works as an editor and translator for Logos-Altera Publishers.
Geert Lovink is a media theorist, internet critic and founder of the Institute of Network Cultures.
Luciana Parisi is Reader in Cultural Theory, Chair of the PhD programme at the Centre for Cultural Studies, and co-director of the Digital Culture Unit, Goldsmiths University of London.
Florian Schneider is a filmmaker, writer and curator. He is Head of the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art.
Susan Schuppli is a researcher and artist. She is Reader and Director of the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths, where she is also an affiliate artist-researcher and Board Chair of Forensic Architecture.
Ana Teixeira Pinto is a writer and cultural theorist. She is a lecturer at the DAI (Dutch Art Institute) and a research fellow at Leuphana University, Lüneburg.
A transdisciplinary Research Hub is established at the Graz University of Technology, forming collaborations between the project’s host – Institute for Contemporary Art – and the TU Graz based science and technology institutes conducting research in machine learning. A series of workshops, MA courses, public events, and an artist in residency program were set within the research framework of the project.
Ivana Bago is an independent scholar, writer and the co-founder (with Antonia Majaca) of the Institute for Duration, Location and Variables, dedicated to the intersections of academic, artistic, and curatorial practice, as well as the member of the art and theory Grupa Spomenik (Monument Group).
Corinna Bath is professor of Gender Studies in mechanical engineering and computer science at the Science and technology studies at the TU Braunschweig with the research focus on Gender and TechnoScience, (De-)Gendering of technical artefacts and the Feminist theories and epistemology.
Linda Doyle is the Vice President for Research/Dean of Research in Trinity College Dublin and Professor of Engineering and The Arts. Her expertise is in the fields of wireless communications, cognitive radio, reconfigurable networks, spectrum management and creative arts practices. She is found member of the Orthogonal Methods Group.
Konrad Diwold is a computer scientist and Area Manager at Pro2Future and the Smart Factory department at Graz University of Technology. His main research interest is in novel control strategies for decentralized generators in distribution systems.
Maria Eichlseder is assistant professor of Cryptography at Graz University of Technology. Her research interests include the design and cryptoanalysis of symmetric cryptographic algorithms, such as hash functions and authenticated encryption algorithms and their underlying primitives.
Peter Fasching is a consultant in the AMS Styria - career information center in Graz. He is trainer and an educator for the staff of the Austrian Employment Market Service focused on applying new digital technology in their everyday routines.
Jessica Foley writes prose and poetry, and works as a transdisciplinary researcher, creative consultant and teacher. Her artistic practice explores fiction, storytelling and technology through writing and multi-media. She is a member of the Orthogonal Methods Group at CONNECT in Trinity College Dublin.
Gundolf Haase is a professor of mathematics with a focus on fast optimization, adaptive multilevel methods, parallel Algorithms, multilevel Methods, algebraic multigrid, and many-particle simulations at the Institute for Mathematics and Scientific Computing at the University of Graz.
Cliona Harmey is a visual artist and lecturer at NCAD. She is part of OMG, an artists research group based at Connect in Trinity College Dublin, and her work is interested in the histories, artifacts and hybrid forms of technology.
Reni Hofmüller is a media artist, musician, composer, performer, organizer and activist in the fields of usage of (new) media, technology and politics in general. Using sound as her main artistic tool, she looks into relations between art, technology and society. She is one of the founders of esc medien kunst labor, has been involved in Radio Helsinki, in Graz, and embedded in feminist technological collectives.
Daniel Hofstadler is a Physiologist, computational scientist, and a PhD candidate in the EU-funded project Flora Robotica, exploring evolving appropriate machine behaviour in plant-robot bio-hybrids at the Artificial Life Lab, University of Graz.
Roman Kern is the Head of Knowledge Discovery at the Know-Center and works at the Institute for Interactive Systems and Data Science at the Technical University of Graz with a research focus on Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Information Retrieval.
Robert Legenstein is an Associate Professor and the Head of the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Graz University of Technology. His primary research interests are learning algorithms in models for biological networks of neurons, dynamical systems, and probabilistic neural computation.
Wolfgang Maass is the leader of the Research Group on Principles of Brain Computation of the Human Brain Project, and the former head and founder of the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science at Graz University of Technology. His research includes information processing in biological neural system, neural networks, machine learning, computational complexity, and the theory of computation.
Fiona McDermott is a PhD researcher at the CONNECT in Trinity College Dublin and the member of the Orthogonal Methods Group. Her research broadly focuses on networked forms of urbanism and the ways in which Internet of Things technologies are restructuring urban spatial design and politics.
Fiona McDonald is a Dublin based interdisciplinary artist. She is currently a visiting research assistant of the Orthogonal Methods Group at CONNECT in Trinity College Dublin.
Dennis McNulty is an artist and is the member of the Orthogonal Methods Group at CONNECT in Trinity College Dublin. His work often takes hybrid forms, informed by an interest in chronoception, proprioception and he has a background as a musician.
Mario Matzer is an economist and a consultant for financial markets and the environment at the Styrian Chamber of Labor (AK Steiermark). His work is focused on financial markets and macroeconomic stability, wealth and income distribution and environmental economics.
Constantinos Miltiadis is an architect, computational designer, researcher and teacher. Currently he is a doctoral fellow at the Department of Design, Aalto University, Helsinki, investigating inconstructible architectures.
Tom O’Dea is a media artist and art practice researcher in the Orthogonal Methods Group at CONNECT in Trinity College Dublin. His work is focused on examining the political and philosophical implications of techno-scientific practices.
David Pirrò is a sound artist and the leader of the FWF PEEK project "Algorithms that Matter". His works include interactive and performative compositions and sound installations as well as audiovisual and electroacoustic pieces.
Thomas Pock is a Professor of Computer Science at Graz University of Technology and a principal scientist at the Center for Vision, Automation & Control at the Austrian Institute of Technology. The focus of his research is the development of mathematical models for computer vision and image processing as well as the development of efficient convex and non-smooth optimization algorithms.
Hanns Holger Rutz is a sound artist, composer, performer, researcher and software developer in electronic art. In his creations, the development of and research on software and algorithms plays an important role. Currently, he leads the FWF PEEK project "Algorithms that Matter".
Selda Sherifova Sinan is a Postdoc researcher at the Institute of Biomechanics, Graz University of Technology. Her research focuses on the diseases of the human thoracic aorta, more specifically on the mechanical testing, imaging and modeling the failure of aneurysmatic and dissected tissues.
Tobias Schreck is professor and the head of the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at Graz University of Technology, with main research interests in Visual Data Analysis and in applied 3D Object Retrieval.
Barbara Schuppler is affiliated with the Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory at Graz University of Technology. Her research interests include the development of automatic tools for the study of prosody and pronunciation variation, the study of phonetic detail in spontaneous, conversational speech and the integration of phonetic and linguistic knowledge into ASR technology.
Branimir Stojanović is a psychoanalyst, philosopher and artist. He is the Chief Editor of Ariv psihoanalize (Archive of Psychoanalysis) magazine, founder and member of the art and theory Grupa Spomenik (Monument Group), and founding member of the library and self-education institution Ucitelj neznalica i njegovi komiteti (Ignorant Schoolmaster and His Committees).
Kate Strain is a curator of visual arts, currently researching performativity in contemporary art practice. She is Artistic Director at the Grazer Kunstverein, co-founder of the Department of Ultimology, and a member of the the Orthogonal Methods Group at CONNECT at Trinity College Dublin.
Torsten Ullrich is the research coordinator of the application-oriented research in the field of applied sciences at Fraunhofer Austria, hosted at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at Graz University of Technology.
Joshua Cherian Varughese is a PhD student involved in the project SubCULTron at the Artificial Life Lab, University of Graz. His field of research is bio inspired swarm robotics, swarm intelligence, and multi agent systems.
Bernhard Wieser is an associate professor at the University of Graz and Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. In his research he investigates ethical, legal, and social aspects of genome research and their application in genetic diagnostics. He is the coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School Science and Technology Studies in Graz.
Institute for Contemporary Art
Graz University of Technology
Kronesgasse 5 / 2
AT-8010 Graz, Austria
Institute for Contemporary Art
Graz University of Technology
Kronesgasse 5 / 3
AT-8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: + 43 316 873 4721
Fax: + 43 316 873 4723
Artistic research & project leader
Artistic research & project coordination
Research Associate & Project coordination
AT U57477929